Wednesday, 23 December 2015

ListView inside scrollview:- Does not scrolling issue

18:14:00 Posted by Kumanan ,
This is the issues which has been faced by every android developer.

Below I have shared a class file Which resolve this issue.

import android.util.Log;import android.view.View;import android.view.ViewGroup;import android.widget.ListAdapter;
import com.baoyz.swipemenulistview.SwipeMenuListView;
/** * Created by user on 23/12/15. */public class Helper {

    public static void getListViewSize(SwipeMenuListView myListView) {
        ListAdapter myListAdapter = myListView.getAdapter();        if (myListAdapter == null) {
            //do nothing return null            return;        }
        //set listAdapter in loop for getting final size        int totalHeight = 0;        for (int size = 0; size < myListAdapter.getCount(); size++) {
            View listItem = myListAdapter.getView(size, null, myListView);            listItem.measure(0, 0);            totalHeight += listItem.getMeasuredHeight();        }
        //setting listview item in adapter        ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = myListView.getLayoutParams();        params.height = totalHeight + (myListView.getDividerHeight() * (myListAdapter.getCount() - 1));        myListView.setLayoutParams(params);        // print height of adapter on log        Log.i("height of listItem:", String.valueOf(totalHeight));    }

OnCreate Method in Activity:-
